Final project for CS630. A web app that allows users to visualize music but... vaporwave. I've preloaded quite a few tracks and you can upload your own.
Except it's more like half of it (11+ days). Visualizations of all sorts of data (and some not so much data).
Is IQ a thing? We think no, and prove it by showing how easily we can create misleading graphs and data from some simple finagling and tricks. (Claire and Sofia)
Printing the numbers 17
and 78
in as many ways as possible. (Chenault, Sofia, Natalia, and Claire)
Using data from the Addison Gallery of Art and visualizing the most commonly used materials in the collection. (Chenault and Claire)
There's many facets of data vis, and many ways to display data. We took data from politicians on Twitter and used variables like position, color, shape, value, size, texture, and oritnation. (Claire, Brian, Jessica)
Using Gephi to model an undirected bipartite network of Twitter tag-item relationships (data from Konect). My computing power could only take so much and I know I won't be using Gephi anytime soon. (Claire)
How bad can web design be? Let's find out. You can follow instructions in the
to view, but it's not very pretty. (Claire)